The Role of Sports Massage
Sports massage therapy was originally developed to assist athletes to prepare their bodies for optimal performance, recovery and training. Nowadays, it is also effective in treating chronic pain, promotes healing of injuries to the muscles and tendons, plus increases the range of movement and flexibility in professional and amateur athletes.
Benefits of Sports Massage
Sports massage is beneficial for those with an active lifestyle. If you participate in physical activity on a regular basis then sports massage will improve your overall health by reducing the risk of injury, cooling the body down after strenuous activity and increasing performance levels by improving the range of motion and flexibility. Regular treatments will loosen tight muscles so that you can continue to enjoy the health benefits of regular exercise. Â Treatments offered from East Kew at Kew Osteo clinic can be complimentary to osteopathy treatments and used as a preventative measure to avoid an injury altogether or the impact that an injury has on the body.
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